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Glosar de termeni logistica si supply chain Author: Supply Chain Management Center SRL
Supply Chain Management Center through have launched in autumn 2008, at the International Conference of ARILOG the first glossary of logistics and supply chain terms that appeared in Romania, called: "Glosar de termeni de logistica si supply chain". The Glossary is an useful tool for logistics personnel and not only for them. The...more details.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Creating value-Adding Networks Author: Martin Christopher
Martin Christopher is Professor of Marketing and Logistics at Cranfield School of Management. His work in the field of logistics and supply chain management has gained international recognition. He has published widely, his recent books include Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Marketing Logistics. He is is also co-editor of the International Journal of Logistics Management and is a regular contributor to conferences and workshops around the world. At Cranfield, Martin Christopher chairs the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the largest activity of its type in Europe. In addition to leading a number of on-going research projects in logistics and supply chain management, Martin Christopher is active as an advisor to many organisations and is non-executive director of a number of companies. In 1988 he was awarded the Sir Robert Lawrence Gold Medal for...more details.
Logistics Outsourcing - A way to increase efficiency Author: Vadims Kolmogorovs
In recent years the strategy of concentrating on core competencies of companies led to a vertical disintegration of processes along the value chain. Practical experience shows that companies focusing on their core competencies in first turn outsource logistics operations within their supply chain to external service providers. A fundamental question to ask in this work is whether outsourcing is really value enhancing and, in particular, whether the firm that undertakes outsourcing becomes more efficient as a result. It will be shown that in an attempt to increase efficiency by reducing expenses and turning fixed costs into variable costs, companies pursue restructuring procedures that include outsourcing of non-core activities to specialists having a lower...more details.
Operations Management: Processes and Value Chains Authors: Lee J. Krajewski, University of Notre Dame/Larry P Ritzman, Boston College/ Manoj K. Malhotra, University of South Carolina
Published by Prentice Hall, 8th edition "Operations Management" by Lee Krajewski and Larry Ritzman, comes in addition with a new co-author, namely Manoj Malhotra, contributing to the improvement of this book by introducing the following new items: - "Constraint Management “ which brings into question the theory of constraints, explains how to identify and manage bottlenecks in production and introduce techniques for selecting the product mix based on .... more details.
The Warehouse Management Handbook, Editia a II-a Authors: James A. Tompkins, Jerry D. Smith
The Warehouse Management Handbook, Second Edition, provides answers to all questions on storage, be it a traditional or a modern automated. The book provides technical knowledge and necessary planning skills for creating and maintaining a successful storage system. Editors, James A. Tompkins and Jerry D. Smith of the known international consulting company Tompkins Associates, Inc.., turned to a team of 38 experts from management, engineering, marketing, IT, the leading companies and universities to ensure that the most recent information is obtained from warehousing field.... more details.